My latest testimony - Boaz
at 2022-07-23 12:02:02.0 / 1299 HitsAt a busy time in the office preparing for a Sunday sermon, the phone rings me. This is the first number you see. Should I focus instead of taking it? After thinking about it for a while, I thought that if it was an inquiry about finding a church, I got it right away.
It was also an unfamiliar voice. With an answer, she asks if you are the pastor of a good neighbor church. Saying so, she says she's looking for someone by saying her name. She said that an acquaintance living in the United States contacted her after being asked to find someone from her, who lives in Auckland.
They are looking for pastors who have established and served the Good Shepherd Church in the past. It is said that the couple was living together as best friends, but the ferry was cut off unexpectedly, and they searched for it after much deliberation. He is retired and his surname is Kim, the most common adult among Koreans. Since he was a long-time Auckland Pastor's Council officer, he knew almost every pastor and this was a name completely unfamiliar to him.
So, after saying that I did not know, I asked them to give me the contact information of the oldest and first Korean pastor in New Zealand for the sake of the image of a good neighbor. He hung up the phone, kindly informed that he wouldn't know if he didn't know.
After a day like that, and after praying at dawn the next day, I remembered that it passed like a flash. A member of the church came to mind. Did he notice what he was trying to say? That's right. The member's father was the retired pastor he was looking for.
Do you know a person named Pastor Kim OO through a text message to the member in the morning after finishing the prayer just in case? he asked. Of course, after briefly talking about the previous circumstances... After a lot of time, the reply came. It is called his father's name.
What is this moment? I was amazed at God's work. At the same time, the impression that was given in my mind made me want to know how desperately it would have been to find a retired pastor couple in the United States so that they could connect them so dramatically.
So, rather than immediately giving out contact information, I asked the details of the people who were looking for me and informed the members of the body.
In a simple and short story, I once again have realization and conviction. God's answer is available to those who ask, seek, and knock. If you diligently search for it and knock, it will open. There is gratitude and joy in being used in such a history. In particular, it was a week in which grace was added to the thought that I was good at obeying the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit when I was used in such a way.
“Ask, and it will be given to you. Look for it, and you will find it. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)