Reasons to Pray - Boaz Koh

at 2023-05-20 07:58:36.0 / 1147 Hits

In last week's column, I mentioned the need to take a deep breath while dealing with the eyes that see the problem. This is a generation that absolutely needs this breath. We expect that breath to soothe our minds and reflect our thoughts. How is this possible? I believe the answer is prayer.

The Apostle Paul recommended supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks for all men (1 Timothy 2:1). When you encounter a problem, of course you should pray and petition the Lord. To be delivered from problems and difficulties. If we do not follow the Lord's will and go our own way, the Lord speaks to us through our troubles, because He thinks they are there to make us turn our faces to Him.

Through these prayers and petitions, we prayers commit the problem to God. In other words, we put the matter in God's hands and we take our hands off it. The prayers and petitions are then placed in God's hands and become his work. They are then fulfilled in God's time and according to His timing. I think it is an honest reality of our lives that until we do this, we may lose sleep and worry until our hair falls out or turns gray.

At this point, a question arises. Why do we need long hours of prayer? This is a question that has caused me much reflection and thought. A recent realization came to me in the midst of ministry and prayer. It is that matters brought to the Lord through prayer are moved in His time and in His timing, so we need time to wait for the answer and listen to His will. As we wait for this answer, what we need is a time of patience along with the waiting.

It is during this time of patience that the Apostle Paul encourages for intercession. I interpret this to mean that we should not only look at our own problems, but also look at our neighbors and offer prayers and supplications. So when many Christians intercede in prayer and supplication, the Lord, who hears all prayers in heaven and determines the time and opportunity, puts the pieces together like a puzzle. Those who have experienced God answering prayer know what I mean.

I believe that when you truly pray, there is a shift in perspective. God's perspective. You see the problem objectively, freeing yourself from the problem first, and then seeing God's will beyond the problem. Those who are in God's will eventually work together to accomplish God's goodness. The last thing that such a praying person will confess is gratitude. "I thank you, Lord."

(1Tim 2:1 ESV) I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, giving of thanks, be made for all men.