The Way of Life - Pastor boaz Ko
at 2023-05-27 09:44:23.0 / 1127 HitsRecently, my sermons have been centered on Psalm 119, and the theme is "Torah". It is divided into 8 verses and is being preached 22 times. We are about halfway through the 176 verses. As I look at the psalms through the eyes of the psalmist, there is a word that keeps catching my eye. It's "way/path."
As I look back over my life, I realize that I have traveled many roads. It seems that there were many different ways to get there once the destination was set. I realize that I was impatient and overwhelmed at the time because I thought there were only one or two ways. In our lives today, there are many roads. Here in New Zealand, Route 1 connects the entire country. Route 1 connects to other roads, and from those roads come boulevards, and from those boulevards come smaller roads. What's amazing, of course, is that these roads connect.
The poet in Poem 119 is in a situation where he is under a fairly urgent threat and desperately needs to be saved. In other words, he is a person in need of salvation in a 911 emergency. In a way, it can be applied to any crisis or chaotic situation that we face in our daily lives. The path of salvation that the poet found in the midst of a crisis emergency is interestingly explored in this Bible study, and it is practically beneficial.
A related story comes to mind. Earlier this year, a close friend of mine was visiting from Korea with her family. Her husband is a real estate agent in the business. During our conversation, one part of the conversation stuck out in my mind. He told me that when you're in business as a real estate agent, it's like a survival instinct to know where you go and who you meet.
It seemed to me that this applies to everyone, regardless of their profession, age, or status. I believe that when wise people encounter problems, they are good at finding solutions to them. Getting to the heart of a problem and knowing when, how, and by whom to solve it is the realm of wisdom. By the same token, it would be wise to find a path to salvation and find a way to solve any questions, problems, or obstacles you encounter along the way.
Today, each of us has many paths in front of us. But not all of them will be the ones we should walk, run, or jump on. Some roads lead to life, and some lead to death. I don't think anyone wants to die. So how do we find the path to life? For a primary answer, we can look to Psalm 119, where we find many paths. And I believe the final answer can be found in the words of Jesus himself in John 14:6. It tells us who is the way to the truth and the life.