The Reason for Our Weakness - Pastor Boaz
at 2024-04-26 15:20:59.0 / 687 HitsIt seems like just yesterday I was halfway through my 50s, and now I look back and realize I'm halfway through. I'm the same age as my father, who was 56 years old. My eyes, which used to be bright and intelligent, have lost their strength and have become sunken. My digestive system has deteriorated, and my eating is minimal, and the health warnings around me are deafening.
I look around and realize that some people have hearing loss and rely on hearing aids. Some have had surgery for cataracts or glaucoma, and others are on dialysis because their kidneys are failing, and others live a new life every day. We, who were young and thought that we would never grow old, were sick and incapacitated.
I have been praying to God with some seriousness. To do the Lord's work more effectively and reliably, I need to have a healthy body and a smooth life economically. I asked Him to grant the circumstances. But the answer was completely unexpected. Why is that? Contemplation X 100
I see and hear too much, so You make my ears tender to focus on His voice. You look away too much, so He nudges my eyes to focus on Him. You rely on your strength, so He weakens our hands and feet. You set your heart on many things, so He puts us on kidney dialysis to keep you in one place. If we don't have any of the above, and we're proud, He makes our children or spouses weak. Why does He do this?
I have a weak intestine and a weak heart. I can't eat everything I'm given. It seems to be God's way of reducing my appetite. Because my heart is set on a hard place with a lot of imaginative thinking, I think He is weakening me to focus on the heart of the Lord, who will not rest until all nations are saved. I feel like God put the brakes on with His hand.
As I reflect, I see the things that were my work and vision under the guise of the Lord's work. God consistently wanted to meet with me, fellowship with me, and empower me, but I put that meeting and provision aside and focused on my plans and visions. Furthermore, I have been diligently asking, seeking, knocking, walking, and running. Who? Me & you.
Therefore, for Christ's sake, I glory in weaknesses, in humiliations, in distresses, in need, in persecutions, in distresses of any kind, for when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10) My head bows before these words.