How to solve the Salvation Equation

at 2024-06-29 06:53:08.0 / 511 Hits

I bought the Metal Brain Puzzle online at the beginning of last year. I've been enjoying the rather challenging (and painful) game as I gradually level up from the basics. It's definitely solvable, but like a puzzle, it's not that simple to complete. There are dozens of puzzles, each one requiring more and more time to solve as the difficulty level increases. The funny thing is that they do get solved eventually.

Some seem like they'll never be solved. Some are so difficult that you think they were made incorrectly. In some cases, out of frustration, you might search YouTube to learn how to solve it. Sometimes I don't know the answer even when I see it on YouTube. I've even asked myself why I bothered to buy it. As we all have different values, I'm sure there will be many disagreements along the way.

My purpose is to try to solve the problems we face in our daily lives. I want to help the members of the Church, who serve in love, solve the problems they face in their daily lives and faith. There is a way to solve a mathematical equation, and the metal puzzle is designed to do the same. We don't know how to do it.

One big realization is that I can't just apply force any way I want to solve the puzzle. Sometimes you have to step back, sometimes you have to turn 45, 90, or 180 degrees, and sometimes you have to go all the way to the other side to solve it. Only through a harmonious mix of detours, forwards, backward, and roundabouts can we find the answer.

This is something we often see in our daily faith life. Some of us live our lives realizing and understanding the truth of the Word, while others do not. There is a puzzle of truth for salvation in the Bible that some have solved, some are solving, and others are hesitating to solve.

Those who have solved the puzzle first and are pursuing a life of piecing together and solving higher and more difficult puzzles find themselves wanting to tell, show, and lead the way they have labored so hard to discover and understand. This is true in the pastoral approach. I remember being proud of solving mathematical equations in school. It reminds me of learning music and discovering the harmonies and dissonances in harmonics. The equation for salvation may seem as difficult as a metal puzzle, but there is a solution.

The most important thing is to have faith (Hebrews 11:6), for without faith it is impossible to please God, and the faith we need in the face of every problem is that there is a way. I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)