For a Better Future - Boaz

at 2025-01-25 18:23:03.0 / 40 Hits

There's a book I've been reading with great pleasure the past few weeks. It's categorized as a self-help book, but the author was once a dedicated missionary. Benjamin Hardy wrote a book called “Future Self” that is insightful and persuasive in encouraging us to have dreams and hopes.

I've paraphrased some of his thoughts and quotes from his writings. "Public speaker and author Zig Ziglar once said, "The information that goes in determines your perspective. Perspective determines outcomes, and outcomes determine the future." Taking in better information makes you think better and ultimately get better results. Garbage in, garbage out

Do you want to set bigger and better goals? Do you want a better future you? If so, you need to be in frequent contact with people of great insight and ability.

Business strategist Charlie Jones said, "If you don't meet great people and read good books, you'll still be the same person you are today in five years." You need to actively change your inputs and experiences and the people you meet. (FutureSelf p.96) I think almost all of us, including myself, seek a better future, and it's natural to wish for it and believe in it. But if we don't follow the people or teachings that will lead us there, it's a delusion that will fade very quickly. Hardy's call to think about the future is a rallying cry.

The words of strategist Charlie Jones are like a punch in the gut, a concrete position for a better future. The approach of meeting a great person or book sounds like an excellent suggestion. It's a message we can all easily buy into, that if you meet, learn from, and follow someone you admire, you will one day be them.

I have people in my life who can serve as mentors. And even if they don't, I'm watching, listening, and learning from teachers who are beneficial to me. In particular, the examples of faith found throughout the Bible guide me to live by faith today. sola Scriptura