I'll take a grace bomb, please - Boaz Ko

at 2025-01-31 10:49:23.0 / 21 Hits

These days, I make an effort to talk to my wife. Typical of my masculinity, I'm reluctant to talk longer than necessary. Still, I'm working up the courage, albeit a little late, as an insurance policy for the rest of my life.

The theme of our conversation around the vacation was the impact of positivity and negativity in relationships. During the argument that both exist and are necessary, I was struck by my wife's neat analogy: if you put dirt in clear water, it's immediately obvious, but if you put dirty water in clear water, it's not so obvious. It was like a photo or painting, and she looked beautiful.

Most people live in relationships. The moment you remove yourself from this important relationship, you start to live like a spaceman. Even if we look around us, there are quite a few neighbors who are lonely and lonely because they have difficulty relating to people. If we think about it for a moment, we can live a rich life with a generous heart, but we close our hearts and live in loneliness.

People who live like that seem to have one thing in common. They have a negative outlook on everything. They complain and criticize people and relationships. Of course, they say it with many reasons, but in the end, it is their own standard. In some serious cases, their impact on a group or community is so severe that it can cause the group to disintegrate or break up. We see that community relationships are hard to build and easy to tear down.

On the other hand, a flimsy affirmation won't make much difference in a community of troubled and hurting people. It takes a bombastic affirmation to make an impact. I think it is only possible when a person who has overcome a seemingly impossible misfortune with the grace of heaven overflows his or her grace like a river or a waterfall. Through such touches, there will be healing and restoration and the history of people coming back to life.

I think that we, including myself, are still lacking, so I think we all need a grace bomb from heaven. I hope that we can be filled with such grace and then become an angel of God who sends it out. Lord, drop one grace bomb on each of us.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)